Well, I am so glad you asked me that. Our family had a pretty great year. It went fast but here are some of the very random highlights...
We ended the year healthy believe it or not. All of us. We even managed to go on vacation without one (or all) of us catching the plague, a rash and getting a major UTI or ear infection before we left. This has to be a record of some sort. 2012 was a rough year on our health. We've had casts, concussions, reconstructive surgery, pneumonia, emergency dentistry work, every infectious disease that came through our public school, double pneumonia and a probably a few things I have managed to successfully block from my memory. Some would say we are just a normal active family but last January I was advocating for home schooling for the kids and mandatory Hazmat suits for anyone visiting the house.
We took some pretty amazing trips this year. We visited our home away from home in Palm Springs, CA twice this year as a family. We went tubing at Assissippi Ski hill in the winter and visited Grand Beach and Clear Lake in the summer. Scott and Finn went to Scout Camp and Georgia and Olivia each went to Girl Guide camp on their own. Scott and I travelled to Vancouver (CBA Conference), San Diego (Comic Con) and Las Vegas (to see Madonna in concert).
There were some pretty important milestone birthdays in our family. Scott and I each turned 40. Olivia is now 10. Our nephew Quentin turned 18! My Dad, Bob, turned 60 and Scott's mom, Norma, turned 65. And my parents celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Yeah all of us!
As above: Quentin turned 18 but more importantly he graduated high school! Congratulations Quentin! We are so proud of you!
Who is that smart looking young man in the great looking Chucks! |
Playing in the snow with the Duecks. |
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M.A.D.O.N.N.A. |
The Fantastic Four at Comic-Con 2012. Note: no costumes! |
Segway tour through the San Diego Habour! |
The most unlikely thing we saw this year occurred this past Christmas when our family, my parents, Scott's parents and Tammy all visited California Adventure Park in Anaheim, CA. (First time visit for Mom, Dad, Norma and Dave! First visit to one of the Disney parks EVER for my Mom.) Everyone except Scott and Olivia rode the California Screamer Roller Coaster! REALLY!! Georgia and Finn were both tall enough and were eager to ride. Both Grandfathers were game too. The unlikely and really quite wonderful part was that BOTH grandmothers went on the coaster. It was a first and we were assured, by both, that it was also going to be the LAST time that would ever occur. So we had better have enjoyed the moment.
Finn was quoted after the ride as saying "I wasn't scared. I didn't even scream once." Norma quipped "Well, good for you. I sure as hell did!".
The Grandmas, in solidarity, singing their version of Taylor Swift's "We are never ever, EVER, getting back together" to the California Screamer Roller Coast. |
We had lot so fun and travel but we also had a lot of business as usual. Both Scott and I had a good year at work. (Insert appropriate lawyer/engineer jokes here.) All kids are working hard at school. In their spare time they were busy with piano, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, gymnastics, dance and soccer. Olivia performed in her first play. She was a munchkin in a local production of "The Wizard of Oz".
Better watch out for this tough munchkin! Brava! |
Halloween was pretty good but those of you with a keen eye will notice that our daddy monster was not present in our traditional holiday shots. He was busy getting over double pneumonia and was unavailable at photo time. We gave him a pass from Trick or Treating but mostly because his doctor wouldn't let him out the hospital!
If we did anything else, well, I can't recall. Cheers to a great year!
This is a few days late but Happy New Year! We hope that your 2013 is filled with all things good: food, friends and fortune!
Drop me a comment to say Hi! Thank for reading!
Love: Jen |